Reporting Matters

Corporate reporting plays a key role in shaping and communicating the contribution of business. These reports provide stakeholders with decision-useful information about how ambitious a company is, how resilient they may be in the future, and what progress they are making to support the transition to a more resilient and inclusive economy.


In 2013, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) developed “Reporting Matters” to help improve the effectiveness of sustainability reporting. Since then, each year WBCSD analyses the fullest source of sustainability information from each member against a framework and uses the resulting data to provide confidential scoring dashboards with analysis and anonymized peer group data.


WBCSD also compiles the overall results and publishes an annual overview of reporting trends, showcasing good practice examples and providing high level recommendations on reporting. See the section below for the latest publication.

Reporting Matters 2023

The Reporting Matters 2023 introduces an updated evaluation framework. This framework places a stronger emphasis on the actual impact of business activities rather than mere compliance. It acknowledges the challenges companies face in staying ahead of reporting requirements and guides navigating uncertainty while delivering tangible impact.

Reporting Matters methodology now available to companies in Malaysia

BCSD Malaysia is proud to offer Reporting Matters methodology to companies in Malaysia.

Now, companies in Malaysia who want to receive valuable feedback on how their sustainability or integrated report compares with other peers around the world (as well as how it can be improved), have the opportunity to do so, with fully trained analysts by WBCSD now available to the local business community.

BCSD Academy Training Modules