Business has a critical role to play in accelerating projects and investments that support climate, nature and people. While the risks of inaction are significant and well documented, the benefits to both business security and growth are very compelling.To unlock investment and ensure credible, high-quality projects receive funding, there must be a common understanding of what defines a nature-based solution and a natural climate solution.
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions based on functioning ecosystems that deliver value to society by addressing societal challenges and benefit nature by enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Natural climate solutions (NCS) are nature-based solutions for climate – meaning solutions specifically aimed at delivering climate benefits.
At a minimum, both nature-based solutions and natural climate solutions should ensure zero net loss for biodiversity. We strongly recommend that WBCSD members invest in high-quality NbS and NCS solutions that are net-positive for nature and biodiversity and that also support people and local communities.
Regulatory and investment criteria that promote or reward high-quality NbS and NCS over lower quality single benefit options are also necessary.
Developing and delivering high-quality NbS and NCS will help drive a race to the top and support the achieving of nature and biodiversity goals. It will also provide opportunities for business to invest in positive asset class investments.
Download here a recent report from WBCSD:
Accelerating business solutions for Climate and Nature –
Report I: Mapping nature-based solutions and natural climate solutions